Wildwood Workshop Weekend - Kangaroo Valley - South Coast NSW
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Wildwood Workshop Weekend

Spring felt like a great time to test the waters with our first series of workshops – where, like with our long lunches, we bring in interesting and passionate people from around the world to showcase the valley and work with the amazing produce and people already here.
Each of our course offerings come with a delicious morning tea and hearty lunch, served with tasty wines and beers.


The courses on offer to choose from for this workshop weekend are:

2 Day Plein Air Painting w/ Archibald Finalist Kirsty Neilson

1 Day Fire Cooking Master Class (Sat or Sun) w/ QLD based Terra Firma

1 Day Silver Smith (Sat or Sun) w/ Marissa Ziesing Head Jeweller at Holly Ryan

1 Day Bee Keeping (Sat or Sun) w/ Victoria based Honey Fingers

1 Day Black Smith (Sat or Sun) w/ Kangaroo Valley Forge founder Mark Schwegler

1 or 2 Day Bush Kids Club w/ Drew Longbottom


NOTE: Participants may choose to do different courses on Saturday and Sunday


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