Before the Christmas rush, we would like to invite you to relax and enjoy one of our
intimate duet concerts at Barrengarry house in the perfect acoustic of our wood
panelled drawing room.
Friends in the Drawing Room
is a rare chance to enjoy world-class music making (and some stories?) in a relaxed,
close-up setting in this private home.
International artistes, Violinist Bridget Crouch & Cellist Rosanne Hunt will play a
programme including a variety of duets &solos by composers Bach, Vivaldi,
Beethoven, Hofmeister, etc and maybe even including some fun Latin duets. They
will also be happy to field audience questions and comments to make this an
interactive and informal occasion.
Barrengarry House was built in 1880 by Architect John Horbury Hunt
Simple refreshments will be available in the garden.
Saturday November 30th, afternoon tea concert at 3pm
Sunday December 1st, morning coffee concert at 11am
Tickets are $55, including refreshments, with family concessions available.