Valley Floor Ride - Kangaroo Valley - South Coast NSW


Ride through rich dairy-farming land, drop in at the historic cemetery and visit a Kangaroo River swimming hole. Allow two hours to a half-day for this bike ride (it’s about 16km).

This ride is about experiencing the Valley floor with its rich dairy-farming and the many creeks that find their way to the Kangaroo River. It is a great way to appreciate the beautiful scenery of forested escarpments that enclose the Valley. This circuit starts at the Kangaroo Valley Hall in Osborne Park and passes the historic cemetery where many of the Valley’s oldest families are buried. Glenmurray Road takes you to a natural causeway across the Kangaroo River and a delightful swimming hole. Walkers Lane gives an opportunity for a quiet ride on easy unsealed roads. The circuit returns to Osborne Park along Moss Vale Road or, to avoid this part of Moss Vale Road, you can return the way you came.


Warning: Do not attempt to cross any creeks or rivers after heavy rain. Crossing creeks in flood can be life threatening.

Beware: Some of this circuit is on Moss Vale Road, which is quite a busy main road and not suitable for young children. There is a cycle path from Osborne Park for 1km but there is no path beyond Nugents Creek Road. To avoid Moss Vale Road start the ride at the corner of Moss Vale Road and Kangaroo Valley Road and turn around at the junction of Walkers Lane and Moss Vale Road to return to your car. This ride is best done in spring, autumn or winter. If riding in summer avoid the hottest part of the day. As you are passing through farmland you may experience flies in the warmer months. Please keep to formed roads and tracks and do not venture onto private land. There is good mobile phone reception on most of the circuit.


This circuit starts at the Kangaroo Valley Hall, Osborne Park, 300m east of the post office, where you can leave your car. Here there are toilets, a swimming pool, a playground and the beginning of the Historic Walk. Turn left as you exit the park to start the ride. An alternative starting place for people riding with young children is the junction of Moss Vale Road and Kangaroo Valley Road. Park on road side.


Water, (reusable water bottles and drinking water available in the village), sun protection, insect repellent and snacks. Warm and wet weather gear should be included in your pack as weather can change very suddenly. Take swimmers and a towel if you wish to swim at the river.


Cabbage Gum, Rough-barked Apple, River Peppermint, River Oak, Sydney Blue Gum/Bangalay hybrid, Thin-leaved Stringybark, and Water Gum.


Brush-tail and Ring-tail Possums, Grey Kangaroos, Platypus, Swamp Wallabies, Wombats. Birds include: Crimson Rosella, Eastern Spinebill, Eastern Whip Bird, Eastern Yellow Robin, Gang Gang, Galah, Grey Fantail, Grey Butcher Bird, Grey Shrike Thrush, King Parrot, Kookaburra, Lewin’s Honey Eater, Little Wattlebird, Nankeen Kestrel, Noisy Friar Bird, Pied Currawong, Magpie, Red Wattle Bird, Satin Bower Bird, Superb Blue Wren, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Sacred King Fisher, Welcome Swallow, Willie Wagtail, White Faced Heron, Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo.
